This weekend I celebrated my birthday with my family, and since tomorrow is Memorial Day, I will be going up to Logan and Hyrum, UT to be with my extended family, so I spent Sunday at my parents' ward.
My little brother got to give his first talk in Sacrament meeting, and he asked me to help him write it. His topic was on Temple Worship. It was a wonderful experience to write a talk without the stress of having to give it. :) I don't hate giving talks, but it's not my favorite. I really like preparing them though. For his talk we answered the four main questions, what is temple worship, how do we do it, when do we worship, and why do we worship in the temple?
I don't have my notes from the meeting with me right now, but it was a great meeting. However, I'd forgotten how noisy family wards were compared to my silent student ward. The Spirit was still there though, and that was all that was needed.
There are two main lessons I learned today: 1. Hope--don't give it up, and let it help you love others 2. Pride--I need to remember to be humble, and not be too proud to listen, even if it isn't new doctrine or creative presentation. The most important thing is to remember. It was then that I could actually learn from the Spirit.
I need to keep hope in my heart, here is an excerpt from something I wrote to myself the other day, when I was feeling firm in the faith--See, I've noticed I tend to go in cycles of faith and fear/doubt/despair so I write down how I feel with the Spirit so in the down times, I can remember. It was inspired and I am glad I listened:
If God is who I know Him to be, even if what I feel is prompting, actually is not, I would not feel confusion or doubt, I would still feel strength as I move forward, but the message of peace and strength would be different....The messages reinforce the voices of the two messengers, Satan and the Spirit. One is dark, the other is clear, light, full of truth. I am struggling to explain how I feel it. But, I know that I would feel differently, if the message was different, I would know.
See, for quite awhile, I have felt I have received a very special, specific, and is a sacred promise from God. Naturally, Satan has not allowed this to go unchallenged and it has been incredibly hard to know if this promise that I hope for with all my heart, is actually from God or if I created it myself. However, I feel that I can more easily identify the messengers and I can know of His truth.
The second point I wanted to remember today is to remember to be humble. I've been blessed in a ward of thinkers, we dive into concepts and the discussion is always just what I need to hear. In this family ward, it was still there, but not in the way I expected, and I was almost too proud to catch it. Thankfully, Heavenly Father has not left me alone, but has helped remind me to stay humble, to remember Him, and that it is more important that we remember, than that we are constantly learning new things each week. Alma taught the people to teach nothing but faith, repentance, and baptism. They had already done all those things, yet that is all they were taught, so I have to imagine there is always more to learn, but more importantly, we always need help remembering.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Sunday, May 20th
Today was filled with a lot of precious gems. My natural self wants me to postpone writing this and take a lovely nap, but, I will not have time the rest of the day to do so, and it probably won't get done this week if I neglect it, so here goes. I probably will try not to expound too much, on my notes, and just give you the gems...even if they don't make sense in this context. Though, I'll put them in complete-ish sentences.
Life is a trial, it follows similar paths for everyone, and others have come before and show the way to go in order to find joy.
There is always something to learn, which doesn't mean that I am ignorant, foolish, or weak now, it just means there is more to see.
The Lord comforts us. Be patient, success is on its way.
Simplicity. Beautiful. Complexity has its place, but it is built upon a foundation of simplicity.
Your foundation is in place. You are able to move forward, so do so. You may not have the "answer" to your earnest prayer, but there are many ways to move forward regardless.
We need to be proactively worthy. Be doing things to keep yourself worthy, don't just go through the motions, but choose to be worthy, omitting the wrong and acting righteously.
Be prepared to receive blessing sthat were promised, and search for opportinities to serve.
Put your total fath in Christ. Press forward, Saints, be steadfast. You'll get there.
Act. Choose. Live. You can become like God if you choose and follow through.
This is the way, you are in the right place. Keep going. Live like His Son.
Always listen to the Spirit, and strive to truly listen to each other. You'll find ways to serve and to find joy.
Keep doing the little things, they will be magnified because of Christ, seek to bless the lives of others.
Be united in faith and direction. We are people of God. Find the power to look beyond yourself to see the needs of those around you, through the Atonement, through the Spiritual Gift of Charity.
Recognize that we are all, including you, children of the Most High God.
How do you react to hard times?
God softens hearts, keep praying for the hearts in your life to be softened. Yes, it is their choice, their agency, but God can help, have faith.
It is ok that you are experiencing 'great afflictions' (at least according to you in the moment of trial--looking back they never seem as hard, which is also ok). Cry unto the Lord. That means actual tears are ok. It is ok to hurt, it doesn't necessarily mean a lack of faith. I definitely struggle, I have hard days, I hurt, and I need to cry sometimes. Yet, I am a person of more faith than I realize, and you are too. Christ will help your unbelief as you come to Him with as much faith as you can muster. He strengthens us, and delivers us, even if we experience hardship along the way, we are still delivered, we are still saved and protected. For instance, yesterday, I was in a really awful parking lot, and I am currently borrowing a car from my boss. I was really nervous to get out ok, it was really tight, there were bunch of people and cars trying to move all at the same time in a limited space. I kept praying, and I felt as I got into my car that I would be taken care of. So, I moved forward. Couldn't get out. Kept feeling like it would be ok, but confusion and I don't really know what it was called, were clouding me, yet, I kept going. I decided to go a way that embarrassed me, putting me in front of these people, who looked {though probably weren't} laughing at me. I don't like to be the center of attention, and for a little bit I was, and I was doing what I feared, showing my inadequacies--this time as a driver. I was kind of hurt as I finally made it through that the Lord hadn't made my exit a graceful, perfect event, as He has done in the past. Instead, there was a lot of little adjustments, but thankfully, I recognized quickly that the Lord was still there. I didn't scrape the car on the neighboring vehicles though they were extremely close, I didn't run over anyone, though for a time it looked like I would since they just felt like sitting in the parking lot right where I wanted to go {seriously, just sitting in the middle of the parking lot}. He was with me. I was still driving, but He was there guiding and protecting me, comforting me when I allowed Him in.
Rely on God when you are in trouble. Don't limit your resources by only relying on your wisdom, your strength, He is infinitely wise, powerful, and loving. Trust Him, you are not "weak" or "worthless" if you ask for help. You are truly wise, not yet as He is, but you're on track.
Choose vs. compel to ____ for instance, humble. When we choose, it always is better than having to be compelled to be. It has more meaning because it is who we are, not just acted upon by an outside force.
Find joy in the journey based on where your focus is. If we don't choose to be humble, our trials will humble us.
Magnify your calling. Be unified. Feel your divine worth. These things provide eternal guidance along our mortal path. More meaning and depth than what meets the eye. Take a minute and apply it to yourself.
We all have our "Gethsemane-s" turn to the Savior for healing. Life can continue, you can keep progressing, even without an answer, yet as we keep going in faith, we find strength in Christ and healing through the Infinite Atonement.
I have a work cut out for me, and guidance along the way. We'll all get there if we keep moving forward with whatever level of faith we can manage.
Life is a trial, it follows similar paths for everyone, and others have come before and show the way to go in order to find joy.
There is always something to learn, which doesn't mean that I am ignorant, foolish, or weak now, it just means there is more to see.
The Lord comforts us. Be patient, success is on its way.
Simplicity. Beautiful. Complexity has its place, but it is built upon a foundation of simplicity.
Your foundation is in place. You are able to move forward, so do so. You may not have the "answer" to your earnest prayer, but there are many ways to move forward regardless.
We need to be proactively worthy. Be doing things to keep yourself worthy, don't just go through the motions, but choose to be worthy, omitting the wrong and acting righteously.
Be prepared to receive blessing sthat were promised, and search for opportinities to serve.
Put your total fath in Christ. Press forward, Saints, be steadfast. You'll get there.
Act. Choose. Live. You can become like God if you choose and follow through.
This is the way, you are in the right place. Keep going. Live like His Son.
Always listen to the Spirit, and strive to truly listen to each other. You'll find ways to serve and to find joy.
Keep doing the little things, they will be magnified because of Christ, seek to bless the lives of others.
Be united in faith and direction. We are people of God. Find the power to look beyond yourself to see the needs of those around you, through the Atonement, through the Spiritual Gift of Charity.
Recognize that we are all, including you, children of the Most High God.
How do you react to hard times?
God softens hearts, keep praying for the hearts in your life to be softened. Yes, it is their choice, their agency, but God can help, have faith.
It is ok that you are experiencing 'great afflictions' (at least according to you in the moment of trial--looking back they never seem as hard, which is also ok). Cry unto the Lord. That means actual tears are ok. It is ok to hurt, it doesn't necessarily mean a lack of faith. I definitely struggle, I have hard days, I hurt, and I need to cry sometimes. Yet, I am a person of more faith than I realize, and you are too. Christ will help your unbelief as you come to Him with as much faith as you can muster. He strengthens us, and delivers us, even if we experience hardship along the way, we are still delivered, we are still saved and protected. For instance, yesterday, I was in a really awful parking lot, and I am currently borrowing a car from my boss. I was really nervous to get out ok, it was really tight, there were bunch of people and cars trying to move all at the same time in a limited space. I kept praying, and I felt as I got into my car that I would be taken care of. So, I moved forward. Couldn't get out. Kept feeling like it would be ok, but confusion and I don't really know what it was called, were clouding me, yet, I kept going. I decided to go a way that embarrassed me, putting me in front of these people, who looked {though probably weren't} laughing at me. I don't like to be the center of attention, and for a little bit I was, and I was doing what I feared, showing my inadequacies--this time as a driver. I was kind of hurt as I finally made it through that the Lord hadn't made my exit a graceful, perfect event, as He has done in the past. Instead, there was a lot of little adjustments, but thankfully, I recognized quickly that the Lord was still there. I didn't scrape the car on the neighboring vehicles though they were extremely close, I didn't run over anyone, though for a time it looked like I would since they just felt like sitting in the parking lot right where I wanted to go {seriously, just sitting in the middle of the parking lot}. He was with me. I was still driving, but He was there guiding and protecting me, comforting me when I allowed Him in.
Rely on God when you are in trouble. Don't limit your resources by only relying on your wisdom, your strength, He is infinitely wise, powerful, and loving. Trust Him, you are not "weak" or "worthless" if you ask for help. You are truly wise, not yet as He is, but you're on track.
Choose vs. compel to ____ for instance, humble. When we choose, it always is better than having to be compelled to be. It has more meaning because it is who we are, not just acted upon by an outside force.
Find joy in the journey based on where your focus is. If we don't choose to be humble, our trials will humble us.
Magnify your calling. Be unified. Feel your divine worth. These things provide eternal guidance along our mortal path. More meaning and depth than what meets the eye. Take a minute and apply it to yourself.
We all have our "Gethsemane-s" turn to the Savior for healing. Life can continue, you can keep progressing, even without an answer, yet as we keep going in faith, we find strength in Christ and healing through the Infinite Atonement.
I have a work cut out for me, and guidance along the way. We'll all get there if we keep moving forward with whatever level of faith we can manage.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
May 13, Mother's Day
Church and the day in general were really great. There were just little comments throughout the day that touched me, and then being able to spend the day with my family was just what I needed.
I've been having some friend trouble lately, nothing dramatic, just a drift apart, but that is still really hard to deal with. So, what I got today helped me feel charity and enough strength to do what I needed to, and do it for the right reasons.
When you feel the Spirit, you learn truths. You know it to be true when you feel love, joy, peace, goodness, mercy, meekness, etc.
Charity is a power, to look beyond yourself, to sacrifice for others because you recognize their worth. If ye have not charity, ye have nothing.
Recognize God, turn from the world in faith. Give up sin to know God- what is holding you back?
Believe in Christ and deny Him not, do not deny His love, His power, His plan, His miracles, anything. He fulfills His promises. That by seeking to understand scripture, you will not fall. There is a quote by Elder Holland, "Love. Healing. Help. Hope. The power of Christ to counter all troubles in all times—including the end of times. That is the safe harbor God wants for us in personal or public days of despair."
See the whole talk here, sorry I didn't fix the formatting on this one, it's getting very late for me.
Book of Mormon teaches us how to receive personal revelation. How has it helped you?
Sometimes, with a limited perspective and understanding of true principles, it is easy for me to question and not understand/comprehend God's power to fulfill His word. Sometimes His promises truly seem impossible, they don't make sense right now, and sometimes we don't get an answer for a very long time.
The church truly is sent from a loving God to help guide us on the right path. I know that sounds silly, cliche, whatever, but the Spirit bore witness of it again to me today and I wanted to share it.
Resolve to make your life work. Resolve to work at life, and the things worth keeping in your life.
Be fiercely loyal to God, do the small and simple things everyday to get to know Him, through reading of Him, and by speaking with Him. Reread "The Privelege of Prayer"
I've been having some friend trouble lately, nothing dramatic, just a drift apart, but that is still really hard to deal with. So, what I got today helped me feel charity and enough strength to do what I needed to, and do it for the right reasons.
When you feel the Spirit, you learn truths. You know it to be true when you feel love, joy, peace, goodness, mercy, meekness, etc.
Charity is a power, to look beyond yourself, to sacrifice for others because you recognize their worth. If ye have not charity, ye have nothing.
Recognize God, turn from the world in faith. Give up sin to know God- what is holding you back?
Believe in Christ and deny Him not, do not deny His love, His power, His plan, His miracles, anything. He fulfills His promises. That by seeking to understand scripture, you will not fall. There is a quote by Elder Holland, "Love. Healing. Help. Hope. The power of Christ to counter all troubles in all times—including the end of times. That is the safe harbor God wants for us in personal or public days of despair."
See the whole talk here, sorry I didn't fix the formatting on this one, it's getting very late for me.
Book of Mormon teaches us how to receive personal revelation. How has it helped you?
Sometimes, with a limited perspective and understanding of true principles, it is easy for me to question and not understand/comprehend God's power to fulfill His word. Sometimes His promises truly seem impossible, they don't make sense right now, and sometimes we don't get an answer for a very long time.
The church truly is sent from a loving God to help guide us on the right path. I know that sounds silly, cliche, whatever, but the Spirit bore witness of it again to me today and I wanted to share it.
Resolve to make your life work. Resolve to work at life, and the things worth keeping in your life.
Be fiercely loyal to God, do the small and simple things everyday to get to know Him, through reading of Him, and by speaking with Him. Reread "The Privelege of Prayer"
Sunday, May 6, 2012
May 6, 2012 and a fireside about trees
I like this blog a little better because it's easier for me to write. I can basically write a step above stream-of-consciousness, which is great. My other blog, I at least try to write somewhat coherently {though to be honest, lately I've been much lazier about that one too}
Ok. The first thing from today is that I need to let go of pride earlier. See, each block of church today started out with me thinking that the lesson/testimonies were all basic and repetitive, and most of all not really "what I need to hear today." Luckily, the Spirit didn't give up on me so quickly, and halfway through each block, I had a little change of heart and I learned from the Spirit again, even though they were "basic" and "unoriginal" which sounds harsh, but keep in mind, this was the proud side of me thinking...I changed. :)
Sacrament meeting, since it was Fast/Testimony meeting, naturally was a little more varied, but the main message I felt was about faith, that it is knowing that God will fulfill His promises. It is a principle of action. His grace is available to us always, that most things from personal revelation seem impossible. Yet that is just a reflection of us not trusting in God, showing where we need to have more faith. I've personally been through this a lot. When we look at what we have received through revelation, with the understanding that God is who He says He is, a God of miracles, and a God of truth, one who keeps His promises. Also, a person mentioned that their family has been through some really hard times together, and I really liked that. Family is people who are with you, and you with them, through the hard times. They are people who love you, who have been with you through happiness and joy, and help strengthen you through the hard times. I am in the middle of writing another post for my 'remember' blog, and it talks about reciprocity of this idea, so I'll leave it for now. Study your personal revelations and scriptures. They have so much strength in them, truth, and light, review and treasure these words.
Temple/Mission prep: Plan of Salvation. No offense, but this lesson was not creative. It was still really good, but it did not appeal to my pride...which shouldn't matter, and didn't by the end but that's what I felt at the beginning. But, then this thought struck me, which enabled me to refocus and listen again: Satan attempts to deceive us, like he did to Adam and Eve, and he is good at his job. However, we can rest assured that that helps push the plan forward, helping us as we choose to follow Christ, to become more like him. After Adam and Eve left the garden, they had the choice to keep following God, or to turn from Him in anger and live after the manner of wickedness. Worth: is the amount someone is willing to pay. Christ suffered infinitely for us, giving us infinite worth. Not collectively, but individually. This means that I have worth, which is a discovery I seem to make a lot, because I forget it a lot. Humility requires the recognition of truth, which includes truth of our worth, and truth of our dependence on God, and His Atonement. Hell is where we meet the person we might have been, where we see how short we are of our true potential. That would be true hell for me. Hopefully, we all live our lives in such a way that we turn to Christ, correcting our trajectory early. Yes, this requires chastisement at times, correction, and pain, but it will be for the best. Also, in other news, even for those who do not choose to live the Celestial Law, hope is not lost for their happiness. God is as merciful as we will allow Him to be, even if we deny part of His gift. I think, most people, when they learn of the gospel, will choose to live all of it, but sometimes little things get in the way, that they desire more... this is turning into a longer post than I intended.
RS/Priesthood: we talked about temple worthiness. I actually started this in a bad mood. My roommate didn't save me a seat so I had to sit in the back by myself, until a friend saw me and felt bad and came and sat by me, but I sadly took offense to that minor action. Luckily, I still had the Spirit with me to a degree, and I felt the words "well, you can keep holding on to this, you know how it will end, you will be upset and hurt for quite some time, or you can give it to me, understand that you don't know the reasoning, and listen to this inspired lesson." So, I humbly prayed "I don't know how to let go of this, but would Thou help take it away" and I felt the pain lift from my heart. It attempted to come back a couple more times, but again, the Father did not abandon me as I have been trying to be more forgiving, and He took it away again and again, so much that I did not hurt for long. Keep asking for help. Ask for miracles that you have been promised. I have been promised a miracle lately, and today I decided to ask for it to start happening in my life. I basically felt after I asked this, that this miracle, is being started, but, it will be by a lot of small and simple things, that I need to keep the faith, and to continue living the gospel. It was a nice discovery. I love personal revelation. We truly need Him in our lives, and we are so blessed because He is there, reaching out to us, to save our souls. We do need to live righteously, take it one day at a time, use and love the infinite power of the Atonement, to help us in all our trials, as we grow to become like God.
Now, because this is so long, I won't give a lot of my notes from the fireside. It was a great one, I imagine that you could find a copy of it if you want it, so I won't include too much. I really liked how the speaker, Elder Jensen, used trees as his foundation. It helped me picture it all a little better. See the hand of God in your daily life. This is something I've been trying to incorporate into my daily journal. I also liked that he mentioned about service. It also struck me that as I have covenanted to bear others burdens, they too have covenanted to help bear mine, to help comfort me when I stand in need of comfort, etc. etc. I include this because I always hate asking for help, I hate complaining {ok naturally complaining isn't good, but so is pretending nothing is's a balance and how you discuss/perceive it}. Elder Jensen discussed four elements about growing trees, that illuminated eternal truths on faith, light, truth itself, the relationships with others, and learning/growth. Have the faith to see the eternal scheme of things. Have faith, have hope, live like His Son, help others on their way.
Ok. The first thing from today is that I need to let go of pride earlier. See, each block of church today started out with me thinking that the lesson/testimonies were all basic and repetitive, and most of all not really "what I need to hear today." Luckily, the Spirit didn't give up on me so quickly, and halfway through each block, I had a little change of heart and I learned from the Spirit again, even though they were "basic" and "unoriginal" which sounds harsh, but keep in mind, this was the proud side of me thinking...I changed. :)
Sacrament meeting, since it was Fast/Testimony meeting, naturally was a little more varied, but the main message I felt was about faith, that it is knowing that God will fulfill His promises. It is a principle of action. His grace is available to us always, that most things from personal revelation seem impossible. Yet that is just a reflection of us not trusting in God, showing where we need to have more faith. I've personally been through this a lot. When we look at what we have received through revelation, with the understanding that God is who He says He is, a God of miracles, and a God of truth, one who keeps His promises. Also, a person mentioned that their family has been through some really hard times together, and I really liked that. Family is people who are with you, and you with them, through the hard times. They are people who love you, who have been with you through happiness and joy, and help strengthen you through the hard times. I am in the middle of writing another post for my 'remember' blog, and it talks about reciprocity of this idea, so I'll leave it for now. Study your personal revelations and scriptures. They have so much strength in them, truth, and light, review and treasure these words.
Temple/Mission prep: Plan of Salvation. No offense, but this lesson was not creative. It was still really good, but it did not appeal to my pride...which shouldn't matter, and didn't by the end but that's what I felt at the beginning. But, then this thought struck me, which enabled me to refocus and listen again: Satan attempts to deceive us, like he did to Adam and Eve, and he is good at his job. However, we can rest assured that that helps push the plan forward, helping us as we choose to follow Christ, to become more like him. After Adam and Eve left the garden, they had the choice to keep following God, or to turn from Him in anger and live after the manner of wickedness. Worth: is the amount someone is willing to pay. Christ suffered infinitely for us, giving us infinite worth. Not collectively, but individually. This means that I have worth, which is a discovery I seem to make a lot, because I forget it a lot. Humility requires the recognition of truth, which includes truth of our worth, and truth of our dependence on God, and His Atonement. Hell is where we meet the person we might have been, where we see how short we are of our true potential. That would be true hell for me. Hopefully, we all live our lives in such a way that we turn to Christ, correcting our trajectory early. Yes, this requires chastisement at times, correction, and pain, but it will be for the best. Also, in other news, even for those who do not choose to live the Celestial Law, hope is not lost for their happiness. God is as merciful as we will allow Him to be, even if we deny part of His gift. I think, most people, when they learn of the gospel, will choose to live all of it, but sometimes little things get in the way, that they desire more... this is turning into a longer post than I intended.
RS/Priesthood: we talked about temple worthiness. I actually started this in a bad mood. My roommate didn't save me a seat so I had to sit in the back by myself, until a friend saw me and felt bad and came and sat by me, but I sadly took offense to that minor action. Luckily, I still had the Spirit with me to a degree, and I felt the words "well, you can keep holding on to this, you know how it will end, you will be upset and hurt for quite some time, or you can give it to me, understand that you don't know the reasoning, and listen to this inspired lesson." So, I humbly prayed "I don't know how to let go of this, but would Thou help take it away" and I felt the pain lift from my heart. It attempted to come back a couple more times, but again, the Father did not abandon me as I have been trying to be more forgiving, and He took it away again and again, so much that I did not hurt for long. Keep asking for help. Ask for miracles that you have been promised. I have been promised a miracle lately, and today I decided to ask for it to start happening in my life. I basically felt after I asked this, that this miracle, is being started, but, it will be by a lot of small and simple things, that I need to keep the faith, and to continue living the gospel. It was a nice discovery. I love personal revelation. We truly need Him in our lives, and we are so blessed because He is there, reaching out to us, to save our souls. We do need to live righteously, take it one day at a time, use and love the infinite power of the Atonement, to help us in all our trials, as we grow to become like God.
Now, because this is so long, I won't give a lot of my notes from the fireside. It was a great one, I imagine that you could find a copy of it if you want it, so I won't include too much. I really liked how the speaker, Elder Jensen, used trees as his foundation. It helped me picture it all a little better. See the hand of God in your daily life. This is something I've been trying to incorporate into my daily journal. I also liked that he mentioned about service. It also struck me that as I have covenanted to bear others burdens, they too have covenanted to help bear mine, to help comfort me when I stand in need of comfort, etc. etc. I include this because I always hate asking for help, I hate complaining {ok naturally complaining isn't good, but so is pretending nothing is's a balance and how you discuss/perceive it}. Elder Jensen discussed four elements about growing trees, that illuminated eternal truths on faith, light, truth itself, the relationships with others, and learning/growth. Have the faith to see the eternal scheme of things. Have faith, have hope, live like His Son, help others on their way.
Elder Jensen,
Plan of Happiness,
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