Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 13, Mother's Day

Church and the day in general were really great. There were just little comments throughout the day that touched me, and then being able to spend the day with my family was just what I needed.

I've been having some friend trouble lately, nothing dramatic, just a drift apart, but that is still really hard to deal with. So, what I got today helped me feel charity and enough strength to do what I needed to, and do it for the right reasons.

When you feel the Spirit, you learn truths. You know it to be true when you feel love, joy, peace, goodness, mercy, meekness, etc.

Charity is a power, to look beyond yourself, to sacrifice for others because you recognize their worth. If ye have not charity, ye have nothing.

Recognize God, turn from the world in faith. Give up sin to know God- what is holding you back?

Believe in Christ and deny Him not, do not deny His love, His power, His plan, His miracles, anything. He fulfills His promises. That by seeking to understand scripture, you will not fall. There is a quote by Elder Holland, "Love. Healing. Help. Hope. The power of Christ to counter all troubles in all times—including the end of times. That is the safe harbor God wants for us in personal or public days of despair."

See the whole talk here, sorry I didn't fix the formatting on this one, it's getting very late for me.

Book of Mormon teaches us how to receive personal revelation. How has it helped you?

Sometimes, with a limited perspective and understanding of true principles, it is easy for me to question and not understand/comprehend God's power to fulfill His word. Sometimes His promises truly seem impossible, they don't make sense right now, and sometimes we don't get an answer for a very long time.

The church truly is sent from a loving God to help guide us on the right path. I know that sounds silly, cliche, whatever, but the Spirit bore witness of it again to me today and I wanted to share it.

Resolve to make your life work. Resolve to work at life, and the things worth keeping in your life.

Be fiercely loyal to God, do the small and simple things everyday to get to know Him, through reading of Him, and by speaking with Him. Reread "The Privelege of Prayer"

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