Sunday, August 5, 2012

Look Upward, Turn Outward

Today was another amazing day. Guys. The Church has been restored and I am a member.

First, I just want to say I helped in the missionary effort. It's a big day for me! Well, yesterday. So, soon after my brother left on his mission, I sent him a copy of the Book of Mormon with my testimony in it. I just kind of figured it would go to someone, who'd put it on their shelf if they didn't throw it away, and one day they'd open it, read it, and the time would be right.

Well, my brother loves me too much for that, he made sure he followed the Spirit on who to give it to. I won't write her name, but she wrote a personal letter to me, thanking me for my testimony. To be honest, I can't even remember for sure what I wrote. I do remember trying to follow the Spirit and write from the heart. Anyway, it was amazing to read this letter, I started crying the second I realized what it was, and for those who know me, I'm not a cry-er (one who cries a lot). It was a very special moment for me to feel the love of my Savior, to know that I helped - even though it was a small portion of her conversion - to bring one soul to our Lord so she could feel of His healing and enabling power.

Amazing experience.

Today in my church meetings, I felt His love again, so strongly. He directs His children to help each other, to be ministering angels, and they don't fail Him. I'm personally working on being more service minded. I've got quite a tendency to focus only on myself.

Some thoughts I had were questions, and I felt impressed to share them here.

- How can I let go of whatever is holding me back from the Lord, even in a small way? i.e., my hurt/pain/temptation/addictions
- How can I study the Book of Mormon better?
- How can I turn more over to Him / how can I let Him lighten my load? This one was inspired by my backpacking trip last week. There came a point where I had to ask people to help bare my burdens because I couldn't do it alone. It is the same in my spiritual life.

So, I came up with personal answers to those questions, but mostly it involves a lot of prayer and a conscious effort to keep striving. A wonderful girl gave her testimony today and in it, she said that the Lord often gives us all we can handle, and then one more little thing to stretch us. I know this is true. I know that that one little thing helps us trust in Him, and recognize we cannot do it on our own, we never could, even that portion of "all we can handle" is dependent on Christ and His enabling grace.

Keep holding on to His hand and move forward. Keep listening and let your faith grow! There is always hope. There is always help, there is always something to work on, so keep striving. You will make it, you were put here to succeed gloriously!

Also, choose to let the little things stay little. Keep life in perspective and keep trusting in Him. You'll get there - with His help. There is hope and help ahead. Trust in Him.


  1. "A wonderful girl gave her testimony today and in it, she said that the Lord often gives us all we can handle, and then one more little thing to stretch us."

    This reminds me of what I learned about scaffolding in one of my child development or child psych classes. Did you study that?

    He really is the perfect parent. :)

    1. You're right! I did study scaffolding a little bit. He really is :)
